Tuesday, April 13, 2010

i heart u guys. seriously!

true friendship never ends. love y'all so much! eventhough we encountered problems before, bad and good fights among us, 'terasa hati' and so much more, but we definitely had a lot of fun throughout all those years! and we will continue to have more, more and more fun together in future! korang kawan dunia dan akhirat. and im just proud to have friends like you guys :)

*dinner second college 2005*

*dinner second college 2006*

*dinner second college 2007*

*picnic at Bukit Cerakah*

* mandi-manda di A'Famosa & bbQ pantai Melaka*

*Black & White Dinner 2010 at KGPA*

*banyak lagi gmba2, mcm kne wat album la plak :P*