Sunday, March 7, 2010

knock,knock on your door.

knock knock.


knock knock.


HELLO!!!!! is anyone there??! im trying to get in!!

*sigh* dont you just hate it when you get invitation to come over to the house, and when you get there, they wouldnt open the door for you to come in?

this happen to me when a friend came to me with all sort of problems and ask for advise/help. i do what a friend normally do. try my best to help and make life easier for this particular person. but nothing much happen since im stil 'outside of the house'. but the invitation keeps coming. how leh....?


ezrq said...

the door might be closed, but it could be not locked. try turning the knob. effort la sikit da dtg umah org =P

p/s: oh btw im now besi-ed! XD

ZeetyAzizi said...

yeay! njoy! i loikkkkeee~~ but really need to b rajin tau :)

oh btw, i thnk the door is lock u noe :P

aZwaN mUsLiM said...

come through the window la, hehe..

LukemanHakim said...

check again..whether they are asking for advice&helps or just need u to lend ur ears.sometimes they just need us to show some empathy.