Monday, March 22, 2010

leka kah kita?

byk bnde main2 dlm pikiran. pasal klinik, pasal hidup. haha. eh, tergelak la pulak.. LOL

ntah la. ade bnde yg pening kepala sikit, and if bole nak tye pendapat.

salah ke if org baik kawan ngan org jahat?
kalau org baik bg nasihat kat org jahat tu, tp tak insaf2 jugak, kite takleh nak teruskn relationship tu ke?

ok, maybe org2 ni tak insaf, tapi selagi org2 baik ni mendampingi mereka, tak ke nasihat akan terus diberikan, and kalau tak 100% pon, sekurang-kurangnye ade la beberape % dpt derg ubah..?

tak ke gitu?

pelik persepsi org bile org bertudung takleh kawan ngan budak tak pakai tudung, sebab kononnye member kite tu bole melalaikan gadis bertudung.

mcm aku, ramai je member2 tak pakai tudung. jahat ke derg? TAK. one of my closest friend, time jadi roomate ngan die, asal azan subuh, die laaaa yg kejutkn aku. sb die, aku berjaye pegi surau utk solat suboh. walaupon die tak join bersame walaupon da diajak, tapi adakah die memberi impak yg negatif kat hidup aku? tak kannn?

so bile ade dinner, lepak2.. bile bergamba, sure la ade yg dress pelbagai jenis. mmg la, sebagai kawan, kite tanak member kite pakai2 camtu. tp kite sekadar bole menasihati. mmg la tak sume nasihat kite menjadi. ade faktor2 lain yg mendorong jugak. but if dari 10 nasihat, 3 nasihat tu berjaye (cthnye bab2 solat) bukan ke itu lebih baik dr putus kawan..?

so kalau aku yg tutop2 ni bergamba ngan member2 aku yg len, aku da dianggap "jauh dari landasan yg benar"..? atau "sedih tgk zeety terus hanyut cmtu"...
*bnde ni lakonan balik je... name 'zeety' harus ditukar bg mengelak daripada mengetahui nama sebenar mangsa :P*

betul ke mentaliti mereka ini? hanyut ke aku kalau kawan dgn mereka yg baik dari segi hati budi dan akhlak walaupon luaran mereka, bg sesetengah pihak tidak.?

aku bersyukur tak penah terjoin dlm situasi camni. kite berhak kawan ngan sesape kite nak, asalkn kite tau sape kite and limit kita. apa yg baik kite ikot, yang tak, jgn laaa. takkan tu pon takleh pikir?

nasib baik coursemates(cthnye) tak penah nak menilai luaran... bertudung labuh, tudung 'kecik', tak pakai tudung, sume pon rilek je masuk geng. bile da mcm ni, bkn ke senang operasi berdakwah?

ntah laaaa. sedar la. tak semestinye bile kite bertutup litup, jaminan akhirat tu indah. kalau kite sedar iman kite xtra sikit dr org lain, bkn ke patut kite cube utk mengubah diri sendiri dan org sekeliling kite..? percaye laaa, kite ni bknnye baik sgt. ade je bnde yg kite wat tak btol. oh, so kite da berubah jadi baik, so kite kutuk2 la org yg masih 'hanyut'? sedangkn dulu kite pon cmtu..? bkn ke kite lebih memahami maka kite la org yg paling sesuai utk mengubah org2 yg masih 'hanyut'? haaaaaaaa. benci! benci!

tlg la korg, clear things up utk aku niii. serabut jiwa and otak~

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

put under test.

the reason why there will be alot of posts this month : STRESS!

huwaaa.. *sob sob*

rasenye makin lama jadi pelajar fakulti pergigian universiti malaya, makin byk airmata yg mengalir.. *sob sob*

minggu ni je da beberape kali da. tiap2 malam hati tak tenang jeeee

tak tahu la kenapa laluan mana2 pon susah. mungkin Allah swt betul2 nak uji. byk masalah jadi; patient cancel suddenly, patient off handphone so tak boleh call, kadang2 tak bernasib baik. one minute lctrer okay, the other minute ttbe emo.. (ye la, lecturer pon manusia jugak..) but im always at the wrong place, at the wrong time. macam takde luck langsung. ibarat korg parking kat satu tmpt. sume org tak kena saman, tp ko je yg kena. *kebetulan mmg smlm kena saman ngan MPPJ. tp sumeorg kena la.. hehe* . dgn minggu2 yg nak abes ni, with all the requirements and competency test need to be completed, macam2 hal jadi. not as planned :'(

diri sendiri pon tak betul. tak tahu kenape, im not like i used to be. org cakap kalau ilmu susah nak masuk tandanya hati dah gelappp :S haaaaa, betul ke? masyaAllah.... *again, worried*

bila hati kecewa, otak penat, slalu kite akan rasa dunia ni tak adil.

"kenapa org ni slalu wat jahat kat org lain, tp hidup die senang je"

"nape die slalu skip solat, tp mudah je urusan die.takde mslh kat klinik lgsg..."

tu yang tak suke tu! sebab hakikatnya kite tau yg kite pon bkn baik mane, dan ape yg ptt kite buat cume perbaiki diri. tp tu la, manusia mmg lemah. asal jiwa tu dah memang nyawa-nyawa ikan mulalahhh. bile tak dpt ape yg nak, lebih prefer tgk kelemahan org dr diri sendiri....

aku cuma harap apape yg aku lalui skrg semata2 hanyalah sebab Allah swt betul2 nak uji aku. mungkin aku tak diuji sekuat mane lagi... cume harap2 aku akan dpt segala kekuatan, berkat and redha dr Allah swt, sebab seriusly, aku rase aku tak mampu nak go thru all these by myself. aku rase yg diri aku ni makin lame, makin lemah.

Ya Allah, bantulah hamba-Mu ini....rakan2, doalah aku akan berjaya menghadapi semua dugaan ni tenang tenang & kekuatan yg diperolehi drpd iman yg sebesar zarah ni :'(


Sunday, March 7, 2010

knock,knock on your door.

knock knock.


knock knock.


HELLO!!!!! is anyone there??! im trying to get in!!

*sigh* dont you just hate it when you get invitation to come over to the house, and when you get there, they wouldnt open the door for you to come in?

this happen to me when a friend came to me with all sort of problems and ask for advise/help. i do what a friend normally do. try my best to help and make life easier for this particular person. but nothing much happen since im stil 'outside of the house'. but the invitation keeps coming. how leh....?

Friday, March 5, 2010



its been a year and 8 months. wowwww. i totally forgotten about this. no wonder i feel some sort of emptiness.. *ecece*

and i even took couple of minutes to think of my password!! whoaaa! sengal tak sengalll. :)

my 'stress-o-meter' these few months was high. VERY high. and it will continue to stay like that for the next 2 months. the fact that i could not do anything about it, since my schedule is extremely packed, there is definitely no way for the meter to come down. and i also hate the fact that i could not share this personally with other people as everyone had their own problems too.

so for me to start to do this whole thing again is somewhat helpful. because i can express what i feel and can loosen up few things a bit. and i dont need to force anyone to hear me out. if you care to read, share and listen, then i am thankful enough.

so here it goes. hopefully can stay updating the blog every week and hopefully there are people who are willing to read :)